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March of the Penguins!

Crafters creating their own penguins.  Lots of laughs going on!
Crafters creating their penguins. Lots of laughs going on!
Maxine made this just for you "Pengu"!  You know who you are!
Maxine made this just for you, “Peng”!   You know who you are!


Joy and her little gal.
Joy and her little gal.
Anne's Penguin.  Isn't he cute?
Anne’s Penguin. Isn’t he cute?
Polly, Anne, Joy, Tillie, Pearl, Maxine and Ruby.  Buddy & Doreen were still putting the finishing touches on theirs.
Polly, Anne, Joy, Tillie, Pearl, Maxine and Ruby. Buddy & Doreen were still putting the finishing touches on theirs.
Our rookery of penguins!