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News from Back East

The following letter is from Don K.,  a resident who has recently moved back East to be closer to his familyWe will definitely miss him!

Hi Everyone

Please excuse the long delay in contacting you.  My son has had a time of it, setting up my computer so today he switched to Gmail and so far, so good (I hope).  My truck arrived last Friday and Bill & Yvonne have done wonders in getting me settled in.  The group picture of Canterbury staff and the photo of Kay and Kate occupy the place of honour on my mantle, which is actually a large chest of drawers in the bedroom!  It’s nice having a patio at my back door, but nothing will ever equal the staff, friends and facilities at Canterbury Court!  Please give my sincere regards to all.  The dinner hour has caught up with me so ta-ta for now.

Don K.

Sign Language Class


begins on Thursday, July 11th at 10:45 am in the Craft Room.

 Sign Up sheet is outside of the Craft Room.

The "Canterbury Silent Singers" from 2012.  Check us out on YouTube:

Check us out on YouTube.  Type in “Canterbury Court Silent Singers”.


RAMSAY BURSARY 004 - 2013 CONGRATULATIONS  to our 2013 Leigh Ramsay Bursary WINNERS! Left to Right: Matthew, Katie, Collin, and David! Well done Students!

“Thank you again to all the kind people at Canterbury Court for not only my bursary but also for your great works in the Community” …DAVID